River of Life
Kingdom Kids
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6

Welcome to Sunday School at The River!
At the River, our children's ministry aims to teach children to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and encourage values centered around Jesus Christ in faith, love of others, and living the Word as taught in our year long curriculum.
All our teachers follow a year long curriculum from online bible based resources meant to develop a firm Christian foundation.
Children get excited about Jesus and build faith through Bible stories, songs, group activities, and curriculum designed just for them.
Church can and should be fun for kids. Using music, stories, games, and hands-on learning activities our volunteers help kids understand God and His Word.

Say Hello!
Meet Pastor Kelly – our Children’s pastor! She oversees our Kingdom Kids ministry and our Sunday morning classes for ages infant to 12 years. She also leads a Co-Op to supplement homeschool education. Interested in serving or participating in this invaluable ministry? Email Pastor Kelly at [email protected].
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10
Kingdom Kids FAQs
We take the responsibility of your children's Sunday School experience seriously. Let us put your mind at ease by answering some frequently asked questions about Kingdom Kids by parents and guardians like you!
If you have further questions don't hesitate to reach out to our office at [email protected].
All children are required to be checked in online or at the check-in station before Kingdom Kids classes begin. We recommend doing this when you first arrive at church in the lobby or use the mobile check-in app to check your kids in before you arrive.
During child registration and check in, you will be asked to provide a primary contact telephone number to us. If during service your child needs you one of our volunteers will contact you via text message to let you know your child needs assistance.
Safety is very important to us, all of our adult Kingdom Kids volunteers have passed background checks. In addition to that, each child who has been properly checked-in has been given an identification sticker with a matching guardian sticker for the parent/guardian. No child will be dismissed from Kingdom Kids without a proper identification and matching of those sticker ID’s (so be sure to keep yours handy for dismissal!). We also have volunteers monitoring entry and exits of the River of Life Church before and during services to maintain situational awareness of all our visitors. If you have further concerns, special circumstances, or questions please identify one of our extended leaders and we will promptly assist you.
Once service is over parents/guardians are asked to promptly pick up their children from class. Teachers will be holding children in their classroom until a parent comes to pick them up. Parents, don’t forget your guardian sticker! When you arrive the teacher will check your guardian sticker and perform a check out process on their phone indicating parent/guardian has now picked up the child.
Resources for Parents/Guardians:
Follow the links below for Kingdom Kids resources and forms for your convenience: